The Life of Adorable Girl

This is all about one girl I will not name the girl but I will share her life story, She was born in Sagar, Staying with her family, her father is government employee and her role model in life, The girl learn lot things from her father as daughter of teacher she is having good etiquette, She always try to follow her dad footprint in her life. Every girl have dreams same with her after completing her basic studies means Intermediate she follows her passion of engineering and completed her graduation. Every person want good and well earning job in their life she also want the same on 25th august 2015 she came to high tech metro city of India for getting a good job, Metropolitan city are the fastest growing city of India in the field of job, technology and he great place for startup, For achieving her dreams she came to Bangalore but we all know that this is highly competitive world and country's like India with population of 130 crore makes difficult to achieve the dream, it was not easy to get job but that girl was Extremely dedicated and focused on work and she got a job, "If their is no struggle, their no progress"     

 She continue her job almost for 18 month and she left the job, She decided to go for MBA, I really don't know why she did that but it is like turning point of her life she changed her background and enter into management field, a engineering girl join mba college quite interesting but challenging for her.
 Life of college is always memorable movement for everyone same with her also she always believe in limited friendship and she is sentimental girl I know her very well she is most talkative person i have ever met, She always want that people should praise her, black and blue are her favorite colour.

Their is famous quote " Enjoy every Movement of life because you don't know what will happen Tomorrow" it is same with this girl she is jolly in nature always try to make people happy and think lot about her friend also people who are close to her. This is all what i know about that girl at last i want say " whatever the struggle, continue the climb, it may be the only step to the success".

                                                                                                               ---------Thank you------------


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