Have India arrived in the virtual world

Have India arrived in the virtual world? 

Virtual reality is the future of world same as with India also, here question is "Have India arrived in the virtual world". In today's world virtual reality is known as great tech words such artificial intelligence, Machine learning, 3D video Games, hologram effects etc. all these are the example virtual world. The word "virtual  reality" first used in year 1982 in the science fiction novel by Damien Broderick  called "The Judas Mandal". Apart from this high tech gaming industry pushes the virtual reality sector. Their are some companies who are investing lot in virtual reality such as Microsoft, Google, Apple, Sony, Facebook may be all these companies realize that virtual reality is future of world. As compare world India's progress in virtual world is less, India saw its first virtual reality content production when Meraki, Started by Arvind Ghorwal, Sairam, Parth Choksi and Agam Garg was launched in 2015.

We are in 21st century which is highly known for technology up gradation such as virtual reality is also a part of technology upgrade. It is the world of artificial intelligence, machine learning such Amazon Alexa, apple Siri etc are the example of artificial intelligence,same with virtual reality it will also project a different image virtual world, I agree that India is not up to the mark in the world of virtual world but their are several start up companies which are working in the field of virtual reality soon we will also hit the virtual world.
Globally, The virtually reality market is to be predicted $ 40 billion market by end of 2020. The major growth factor are hardware advancement, demand of gaming, entertainment, healthcare, sports sector.

The biggest hurdles of Indian market is availability of hardware, In India big organisation are in the early stage of their AR and VR adoption.
May be their are several question arise how the virtual reality is useful in our life, it can be useful as follows:

1. You can watch movies in bus, train without disturb others.
2.  You can go for virtual tour for different country, while simply sitting at one place.
3.  virtual reality can be used for teaching, it will give student a practical experience of their subject.
4.  Watch any live event from any where from any place.
5.  Corporate will use VR as in their training programs.

Example of Virtual Reality

 Startups that will change the virtual reality in India

1. Grey Kernal
2.  Meraki
3.  SmartVizx
4.  SpectraVR
5.  Tesseract Inc.
6.  Transcend
7. Trimensions
9.  Xenium


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