Study on the sources of Renewable Energy and its utilization in Uttar Pradesh

Sustainable power source has been a significant segment of India's vitality arranging. The significance of sustainable power sources in the progress to a supportable vitality base was perceived in the mid 1970. 

The renewable energy of future means which has future demanded energy. Financial support also was extended for renewable energy development such as government is providing funds for Research and development.

Renewable energy plays vital role in long term development of country. Sustainable energy gets nature security as it is Eco-friendly and nature friendly. Renewable energy is most effective than fossil fuel, coal and petroleum product.

As India is developing country and any kind of development will need resources which will utilized and transformed to get into new commercial product.. In which India is concentrating on wind power and sunlight based plant.

Merits of Renewable Energy

·         Renewable energy is nature friendly:

  • Renewable energy is eco- friendly such as it is better effective than non- renewable energy. Renewable energy is providing security to the environment such as solar energy, wind energy, thermal energy and bio gas etc. these energy is keep environment safe as compare to fossil fuel, petroleum product, coal product.

  • Sustainable energy is long term energy: renewable energy is for long term energy. Non- renewable energy is for limited period of time but renewable energy is for long period of time such as solar energy, wind energy and biomass energy. Renewable energy would not be run out it is life time energy.

  • Sustainable energy is long term energy: renewable energy is for long term energy. Non- renewable energy is for limited period of time but renewable energy is for long period of time such as solar energy, wind energy and biomass energy. Renewable energy would not be run out it is life time energy.

Demerits of Renewable Energy

·         Limited power supply :

The renewable energy power distribution is not huge the supply of renewable is limited cost of installation is high so that everyone can’t afford it. People still use petroleum product in efficient way there is no proper maintenance and distribution of renewable energy. 

·         Sustainable energy is unreliable:

Sustainable energy is unreliable because depends on certain factors such for solar energy sun is required same as with wind energy. All these energy are depended on certain factors.


In Lohia Rural Housing Program scheme provides solar energy to the poor family or people below poverty line. To meet the basic requirements of housing there is need of solar energy place like UP there is need of solar energy.

Now solar panel are required almost in every house solar energy is most effective and efficient source of energy.

Solar energy has been already installed in 27 district of Uttar Pradesh. Solar energy is one of most renewable energy mostly used in UP.



Bio-gas is valuable source of energy it is used for domestic fuel supply for cooking and heating, lighting and for the organic fertilizer production the bio gas can be easily helpful for cooking and lighting which more effective than LPG gas. Bio gas plant is optimum utilization of manure, wastage. 

The national bio gas management programmed is scheme of central government, the bio gas is basically for rural and semi urban areas. Sustainable bio gas is from wastage of cow dung and other wastage. 



The study deals with creating awareness and usage of renewable energy sources by Uttar Pradesh state government to the public.

People are more comfortable with Non- conventional energy. Some people are not aware about the benefit of renewable energy.



Need of renewable energy in Uttar Pradesh

The need for study is to know the demand and supply of renewable energy in Uttar Pradesh. Since from several years UP is facing power crises the demand for power is more than supply.

Major source of energy on which UP depends is coal. Coal is major source of energy production in UP. Whereas Uttar Pradesh rich in solar energy, bio-gas because UP enjoys 300 sunny days so the solar energy effective in Uttar Pradesh. 

Renewable energy is useful for several things such as cooking, heating, generating electricity and also helpful for industries.



·         To know the importance and demand of renewable energy in Uttar Pradesh.

·         To reduce other cost such s electricity bill and many other by effective utilization of renewable energy.

·         To make people aware about uses and benefit of renewable energy.


Methodology of Research

This research basically tells about different utilization of renewable energy. The renewable energy have several uses such electric vehicle, bio gas cooking, thermal energy, wind energy, solar energy etc. 

Electric vehicles: In today’s scenario electric vehicle is more often used, electric vehicle doesn’t harmful towards environment. The government of India gives subsidy on purchase of electric vehicle. Electric vehicle are nature friendly.

Geothermal: geothermal energy is the energy which is generated and stored inside the earth, it is basically used for bathing, cooking, heating the main benefit of this energy is it is available every time.

The research is basically based on different type of renewable utilization in UP.

 Source of Data

Secondary data: The study is based on secondary data, and the data is collected from government website, journals, annual report of government, public library.

Data Collection

Renewable energy provides information about different such as wind energy, solar energy, thermal energy, Geo thermal energy, hydro energy etc. sustainable energy requires various assets for stronger connection of renewable energy such as land, location, cost, and installation.

To be continued in NEXT Bolg.............  Thank you.


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  3. Nice post thanks for this valuable information

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