Racism Will Never Die Out

Racism is the biggest problem of society; it can be in many forms and can happen in many places.  People often associate racism with act of abuse or harassment. However it doesn't need to involve or intimidating behavior, take racial name calling jokes. 
Racism can seen through people's mindset as well their behavior. . for example: someone may look through a list of job application and decide not to interview people with certain surnames. 

 Stop pretending, There is no Racism In India 

As many as 54% people from north east suffer from discrimination this is the reality in national capital New Delhi, where almost 74% people fells that it is unsafe place in terms of ethnic discrimination.
The ethnic discrimination is followed in different place such as 24% in educational institution, 23% during renting and buying house, some of them facing discrimination at work place and some of them facing discrimination when government authority not treat them equal.

Nigerian people use to face huge discrimination in maximum country, most of Indian mentality of felling bigger when they live in a foreign country but it is not same when others comes to their country they look down on them. They forgot they themselves wish to be in a different country, especially Europe or america. In reality everyone who is not white foreigner is treated differently it is the sad truth of India. Especially black people who are victims in  most of cases. 

In some of the historical racism facts we have covered, racism was a state- sanctioned activity. In such times, false and prejudiced 'scientific theories" where often used to justify atrocious acts. During the 19th century many scientist belief that human population can be divided into different categories.  They belief that human can be classified into different categories such as based on colour like black and white, caste, gender, ability, position.
The  Bell Curve, a book by Richard J. Herrstein and Charles Murray in 1994. it disclose the argues that genetic factor play the most significant role in human intelligence, more so than environmental ones. They took data which people tend to outperform black people on IQ test as evidence that white people where, on average, more intelligent. This shows great deal of criticism and discrimination.

The serious case of George Floyd On May 25th 2020
On 25th May, Minneapolis cop police officers arrested George Floyd, 46 year old black man, after a deli employee called 911, accusing him of shopping for cigarettes with a counterfeit $20 bill. Mr.Chauvin, who is white, kept his knee on Mr. Floyd's neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, according to the criminal complaints against him. video proof shows that Mr. Chauvin did not remove his knee even after Mr. Floyd lost consciousness, and for a full minute after paramedics arrived at scene. 
The other three officers, Thomas Lane, J. Alexander kueng and Tou Thao- all of whom can be seen in video involve in Mr. Floyd's case are under Investigation.

Repercussion of Racism

Racism causes harm to those people who suffered it, an individuals, communities, society and work place. The effect includes felling, emotion, sadness and anger, even anxiety and depression. People that
 faces regularly these type of problem they became depressed, withdrawing from work or study, and diminish their quality of life. It hurt people's freedom and dignity. 
 The racism is matter of attitude, behavior, mindset which creates imbalance in the society.
  1.  Racism is the tyranny of specific ethnic-racial group in association with maintaining the privileges of other, fostering and perpetuating social disparities.
  2. Racism can be observed through historical and structural inequalities in socioeconomic indicators, and educational and health parameters.
  3.  The racism has deep impact on minority and lower class people, it is barrier for education, health and for creating equality in society. 
  4. Racism can cause higher anxiety, stress, depression, suicide, aggression, lack of attention, hyperactive disorder, behavior and attitude changes.

Ways to Fight Racism                                              

  1.  Celebrates others culture:  Stigmatization is cruel and counterproductive. Stand up for culture diversity in your community local businesses run by immigrants. Every country is diversified it is responsibility of people of that country to show humanity and respect to other culture people.
  2. Call out the bigotry and hate speech: There has been a disturbing increased in hate speech among European and American in recent years, often blaming immigrants and minority groups for the difficulties of there own countries. If see something prejudice always report or raise your voice against that.
  3. Teach Children kindness and how to talk about difference: Prejudice and hate are not innate. They are learned behavior- and they can be unlearned. children absorb biased from the adults around them, and from the media, books and their peers. The process of countering negatives thoughts with positives will be extremely helpful. Talking about differences does not increases prejudice in children. Make sure children understand the right of humans and right to equality. 
  4. Stand up for the people being harassed:  If you see someone being harassed or physically attacked, it is important to help them if you can, make your presence as witness known. Make eye contact with person being attacked and ask if they want support. Don't escalate the situation. Always support weak people and stand with them so that they can get justice on time. verbal and physical abuse is wrong and should not be tolerated.
  5. Support human right organization:  Human right are collective promise made by all countries of the world, including those in distress. always try to support human right organization because they help to safe the right of every citizen they act as authority for human safety. 
                                                                                                   -----------Thank you---------------


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